Media Slab/Testimonial


Last Updated: Nov 08, 2024, 02:37 PM

Full-Width Component

Media Slab: Default Picture

This is an example of a media slab component. If the image you are using is smaller than 900 px wide, the image will be displayed at the original dimensions. If the image is larger than 900px wide, it will display proportionate with the maximum width of 900px.
Background: none
Display media at full size? "No" and Captions will not display .

blank placeholder image

Media Slab: Picture, Full Size

This is an example of a media slab component displaying an image at full width.

Background: none
Display media at full size? "Yes" and Captions will not display .

SIU Football

Media Slab: Maroon, Picture Figure

This is an example of a media slab component using Picture Figure which will allow a caption under the image. If the image you are using is smaller than 900 px wide, the image will be displayed at the original dimensions. If the image is larger than 900px wide, it will display proportionate with the maximum width of 900px.
Background: Maroon
Display media at full size? "No" and Captions will display .
blank placeholder image
Caption will appear here.

Media Slab: Maroon, Picture Figure, Full Size

This is an example of a media slab component using "Picture Figure" and displaying the image at Full Size. However the caption will NOT appear.

Media Slab
This is where the caption appears

Testimonial Examples

This is an example of a testimonial component
blank placeholder image
This is an example of a testimonial component
This is an example of a testimonial component
blank placeholder image
This is an example of a testimonial component