Cascade FAQS


Last Updated: Oct 04, 2024, 10:15 AM

I forgot my password.

Please fill out a web ticket to have your password reset.

I want to place embed code (YouTube, Google Calendar, Twitter Feed, etc) in the HTML editor in the WYSIWYG but it's not working.

Currently, in order to embed code from other sites, the WYSIWYG must first include some kind of text. For example, if you are placing an embedded Google Calendar, enter the title of the calendar in the regular content before putting in the embed code.

I uploaded a pdf or jpg file and all I see is jumbled text.

Some files, when uploaded from PC computers (usually image files and PDF files), can be uploaded without file extensions. This causes an error in the CMS and will also not allow the image to be rendered on a published web page. In the CMS, the file without an extension will look like this: 


Add file extensions to images or PDF files by first clicking on the file. Then, click the Move/Rename tab and in the System Name field, add the proper file extension including the period (usually .jpg or .pdf). Click Submit. The new file should look like this:

folder with extension

Can I override PDF files?

PDF files get updated over time. Rather than deleting the old PDF, and uploading a new file, with a new name, that will need to be relinked, there is a way to simply override the old file with the new file in the CMS. 

Click on the file you are overriding in the CMS. Click Edit, then drag and drop or browse to the new file on your computer. Click Submit and publish the new file. This eliminates the chance of any broken links and will also ensure that only the newest version of the file exists on the CMS.

When should I publish my entire site?

Although we try to limit publishing entire sites, it would be necessary for a few common scenarios such as:

  • Changes in the navigation
  • Changes made to a block that is applied to every page
    • ie. contact information or the social media footer
  • Changes made across many different pages and you are unsure if you published each page/folder

In consideration of other users, we ask for everyone to not publish their entire website in excess. If the changes do not need to be made immediately, please withhold from publishing the entire site until 4:30.

How do I see my Publishing Queue?

Click “My Settings”, then check the “Go to publish status page” checkbox. This will allow you to view the publish queue after publishing and watch the progress of your publish job.

How do I know if a page has a problem publishing?

Sometimes problems arise when publishing. To know if something you have published has gone through successfully, go to the site’s Dashboard and look in the Messages area. Messages with “(0 issue(s))” indicate that there were no problems publishing. If there are issues listed, view the message to get more detailed information about the problem publishing.

  • If you have tried to publish, see that there are zero issues with the publish job, and still don’t see the changes on the website, it is likely that the content is cached in the browser. On a PC, hit ctrl + F5 on the keyboard. For Mac, use Command + Shift + R. 

For information on how to publish, click here.

How do I embed an iframe (Google Calendar, Google Form, etc.)

 Click the HTML icon in the WYSIWYG editor. Paste the iframe embed code provided by the third party. For some templates, you will need to have a sentence or a heading before the iframe so that Cascade recognizes the iframe as content.

 How do I use the Stale Content Dashboard?

By clicking “Home” (viewing the dashboard), you can get a visual idea of content that might need to be updated on your site. Clicking the pie chart will show you a list of stale or fresh content.

  • After clicking the pie chart, set the parameters for stale content by changing the number of days required before a piece of content is considered stale.
  • When viewing the Stale Content Dashboard, set review dates for specific pieces of content by clicking the clock icon on the far right (in the Actions column). 
  • View content that set for review within the Stale Content Dashboard by clicking the “Needs Review” link. You can view content that is past due, upcoming, and scheduled for review.

Can I upload multiple files at one time?

Upload more than one file at a time by uploading a .zip file. Go to Tools, Zip Archive, and browse to or drag and drop a .zip file. The CMS will automatically decompress the zip file and place the folders in the chosen placement folder.

  • Maximum zip file size: 10MB

Can I put videos on my site?

While most video types could be uploaded to the CMS and played, the only type Web Communications recommends is YouTube. YouTube videos are automatically closed captioned and meet State of Illinois and Federal accessibility laws. Without closed captioning, a video on a website is at risk of not meeting the laws. Please use YouTube to embed videos into your web pages.

Embed a video from YouTube by viewing the video page on YouTube. Click “Share”, then “Embed”. Copy the line of code that is presented in the box. In the CMS, edit the page you wish to add the video to, then, in the WYSIWYG editor, click the “Insert/Edit Embedded Media” icon. Click the “Embed code” tab and replace the code in the box with the code from YouTube by pasting it into the box.

I accidentally deleted a file. How do I get it back?

The Recycle Bin is located within the Home area and deleted assets will be held here with the option to restore them. After 30 days, assets will be deleted completely and are irretrievable.