Last Updated: Oct 04, 2024, 10:15 AM
A site should be organized into different FOLDERS in order for the site navigation to display properly. Each FOLDER contains pages, external links, and files related to that section of the website. The FOLDER’s Display Name determines the text that appears as a link in the main navigation of a site.
Each FOLDER must contain one main file that is named index. This index page will be the main page for the section. For the site navigation to display properly, it is very important that folders and files within Cascade be in the proper structure.
To add a new folder:
Click Add Content in the System Menu then locate the FOLDER WITH INDEX type you wish to create. (Note: a new folder for web pages should always be a FOLDER WITH INDEX).
Enter FOLDER information:
Folder Name: Give the FOLDER a meaningful name.
Names must contain:
- Letters and numbers only
- No spaces – hyphens only (-)
- No uppercase letters
Placement Folder: Choose the folder where you want to save the new FOLDER. (Note: it is acceptable to create folders within folders for organizational purposes.)
Display Name: The Display Name is the text that will appear in the main navigation.
Include in Navigation: Include or do not include the FOLDER in the main navigation.
Publish checkbox: Uncheck if you do not wish to publish this asset in the future.
Index checkbox: Uncheck if you do not want this item to be included in the site navigation.